Monday, September 15, 2014

The Real Reason Girls "LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN"

We've seen it on TV, we've read it on internet memes, and we've heard it outside Abercrombie and Fitch stores nationwide. Teen girls are struggling and they are making it known to the world - They literally CAN'T EVEN. 

"Oh my god. The limited edition Starbucks Ugg boots are sold out. I can't even." 
"That boy from Math class is so adorbs. I can't even."
"Can you EVEN IMAGINE a fifty-shades of gray vampire movie starring Channing Tatum?? No, actually, I can't. I literally can't even."
Well Kiersten, when CAN you even? We don't have all day. 

(Out of curiosity I googled "Channing Tatum Vampire" and this was the first result. Clearly girls HAVE been imagining this and therefore we as a gender are doomed). 

Dear John? More like Dear DRACULA.

But it's not just the teenage girl squads who are the offenders. This incomplete sentence structure is plaguing more highly educated circles of women. I admit that I, too, am guilty of having used the phrase in situations where I could not fully comprehend and express my thoughts and emotions.
"Did you REALLY just eat my leftovers?!?! You know what ... I can't even."

"Yooooo that fat baby looks like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I can't even."
"HAHAHA did you see that child on a leash try to escape from his parents!?!? I literally can't even."
Some users/abusers of the phrase have begun to mix it up in order to keep it relevant and fresh (which I'm assuming kids these days spell with a Ph --- PHRESH): 

I can't even. 
I am unable to even. 
I have lost my ability to even.  

That last one sounds like some sort of medical condition. I wouldn't be surprised if foreigners who hear this for the first time are concerned that millions of girls and women across the United States are plagued with a new disease that is impairing our mental and physical abilities. 

"Hans, girls in the United States are losing their ability to even. We better hold off on our vacation to Disney World with Hilga and Wolfgang until they develop a vaccination!!"
"Holy SCHNIT-zel!! That sounds serious!!" 
 (I was going to make a joke about it being the brat-worst but realized I literally could not even). 

We can all agree that the general female population is suffering. We're angry. We're amused. We're confused. It's no wonder we're on the brink of emotional instability and/or punching someone in the face. But I'm here to tell you that the real reason girls literally can't even is because we've got too much shit to do and we don't have time to be worrying about whatever it is we're supposed to "even." Either that or we really are all chemically imbalanced, certifiably crazy and have lost control of our lives. Maybe years from now with advancements in science and technology we can all live in a world where girls WOULD be able to even. Hope Today for a Brighter Tomorrow. 

In the meantime, here is a short list I compiled of alternative phrases which you can substitute in practically any situation:
  1. This is the best/worst day of my life
  2. Mother of mercy.
  3. The apocalypse has begun.
  4. Doomsday is near. 
  5. I would donate my mint condition collection of beanie-babies to make that happen. 
  6. Gettin' that fo sho.
  7. I want to whack ______ over the head with a pillowcase full of doorknobs.
  8. I'm going to cause a stir.
  10. Ain't nobody got time for this. 
  11. What in the F
  12. Paint me like one of your French girls. 
  13. Take me now Jesus.
  14. I would rather hear my leg being sawed off than listen to this BS. 
  15. And that's the way the cookie crumbles. 
  16. I know violence isn't the answer but .... yes it is. 
  17. Great balls of fire! 
  18. Whatever let's go to Taco Bell. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more Cheetos.

I always knew I had a sensitive side, so I figured I would share one of my many creative talents with you. As you all know, I am dangerously good at eating. I am also good at making things rhyme, so below please enjoy my Ode to Cheetos.

An Ode to Cheetos
by Meghan Earnest

 I am hangry and borderline violent as I power walk to the vending machine
No time to mess around - I know which buttons to hit
"A3" is forever tattooed into my memory
A forbidden love that I just can't quit. 

You fall to your death but my heart skips a beat
It's been too long (24 hours) since I've had you last
I rip open the bag in sociopath-like desperation
I can no longer hold back the tears that have amassed. 

My face lights up at the sight of your orangey-glow
I nearly black out after shoving a handful in my face
"Cheese Flavored Snacks" is my mantra for life 
An uncontrollable obsession that I will never replace 

Only 21 grams of fat - Holy S. What the hell?!?
I should actually probably watch how often I eat these
Who am I kidding, nothing can stop me
Chester the Cheetah, GIVE ME MORE PREASE.  

Boys find this attractive. I beat them off with a stick. 
They swoon over my orange fingers. 
 Is that perfume you're wearing? HA. You could say that.
It's the scent of processed cheese that lingers.  

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. 
Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a year. 
Give Meghan a bag of Cheetos. 
And she'll destroy it in less than 20 seconds.

For your viewing pleasure, below is a video taken a few weeks ago of Emily eating MY family sized bag of Cheetos. She's lucky there weren't more severe consequences...

For reference, we had been looking at a picture of Joe Miller when he used to be chubby which is why we are laughing (I had also lost my voice which is 20% of the reason why I sound like a man).

Please take a moment to appreciate the animalistic growl I make when she won't share with me.

Cheeto Craziness (For those who cant open on their phones I went the extra mile). 

"You know better than to hide Cheetos from me." 

Spoken like a true freak.

Also indicative that I had tried to teach her this lesson before ...

 I was going to make a joke about her being a gremlin but forgot what was bad about them. I just Google searched "What happens if you feed gremlins after midnight." The answer I got from "" is that they will cocoon and change into evil gremlins. So what we've learned is: 

1) I should clear my browsing history before our IT guy finds out what I google search at work. 
2) Emily should not ever be fed after midnight.
3) I am committed to Cheetos for life (I should BE committed for life...)
4) I have an unhealthy obsession with food. I need help. Call 911.