Monday, June 30, 2014

The Power of Three

They say that good things come in threes. Today was a true testament of that as the following three things happened to liven up this otherwise dull Monday morning:

1) I saw that Bon Iver premiered a song that was written for Zach Braff's new film "Wish I Was Here." I have since listened to said song approximately 14 times in a row because I am slightly compulsive. Check it out: Bon Iver - Heavenly Father

2) I was emailed this morning about free nachos in Customer Service and proceeded to eat my fill and simultaneously redefine the term "ladylike."

3) At approximately 3pm I was in need of a snack. I realized I had not one but TWO string cheese packets in my office fridge, stopped dead in my tracks, let out a not-so-silent "AWWW YEAH" accompanied by a half-powered arm thrust and retrieved my snack in glory.


Bad things also come in threes. Today was a true testament of that as the following three things happened which killed the mood of this otherwise decent Monday:

1) A coworker's grandchild was in the office this morning. Truly a cute child. I keep saying "child" because I think we can all guess what mistake I made.

Me: Ohhh she's so cute. What's her name?
Coworker: Well he's a boy so....

Not only did I not know the gender of the child, but I did not know the gender of a TODDLER child. Don't let me out in public anymore. It would have been one thing if I left it at "Ohhh she's so cute" because perhaps my coworker would have thought I said "HE" but I was 100% committed and asked the girl's name which it turns out is Jamal.

2) For what I can only assume was the grander portion of the morning my zipper was down and I was flaunting some seriously attractive underoos*

(*I was not flaunting some seriously attractive underoos.)

3) Imagine yourself in a situation where you are bored to death and you let out an exasperated "Ughhhh kill me." Now imagine yourself on a nearly 2 hour conference call where you thought you were muted and you let out an exasperated "Ughhhh kill me."

Insert silence on the other end of the line here.

"What's that Meghan??"
"Oh...uhm. SORRY. I just spilled......something. On myself. It's okay....I'm okay...."


Tomorrow I am hoping for the power of four - no children in the office, free buffalo chicken pizza, successful cable installation, and a date turned love affair turned marriage with Eric Bana.

Or peace or something.


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